Planning & Zoning

As you plan improvements or changes to your property, it's wise to consult with the City before you get too far along. There are many resources easily available on this page to guide your planning. Also review City Ordinances regarding zoning and building before you begin work.

Your contact for all planning and zoning questions is Planning Director Pat Smith at (952) 358-9938 or

Annual Building Permit Reports
Comprehensive Plan

In 1995, the Minnesota State Legislature amended the Metropolitan Land Planning Act (MLPA) to require review of local comprehensive plans every ten years. The purpose of the amendment was to ensure that local fiscal devices and local controls are consistent with the plan, and to respond to changes in the regional system plans assembled by the Metropolitan Council. In 1990 and 2000, the City of Deephaven complied with the 1976 Metropolitan Land Planning Act by preparing updated comprehensive plans that were approved by the Metropolitan Council. The planning process requires a clear understanding of historical and future trends in population, economic activity and housing. Since 2000, the Comprehensive Plan guides City decisions and serves as a foundation for local zoning controls.

Deephaven 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Zoning and Land Use Maps

Find your property on the City Zoning Map to learn the current zoning for your area of the City. It will help determine what may or may not be done to a specific property.

Building Permits

Please check with the City to learn whether your project requires a building permit. Most structures require a building permit and all structures must conform to setback requirements.

You'll find everything you need at Building Permits & Contractor Licenses page.

Deephaven Setback Form

Variance and Conditional Use Permits

Applications for variances or conditional use permits are due by the third Tuesday of the month. It will be reviewed at the next month's Planning Commission meeting.

Please print, complete and return the completed application form to Pat Smith at or mail to Deephaven City Hall, 20225 Cottagewood Road, Deephaven, MN 55331. Call (952) 358-9938 with questions.

State Building Code

If you'd like to review the State Building Code, use this link to